Melanie's birthday landed on a Friday this year and she took a day off to enjoy herself...a bit of sleeping in, a relaxing massage and a lunch with all of us! Ed and I took the day off too and spent the majority Friday relaxing and catching up with mom and dad. We had to be at Vera Cruz at exactly noon for lunch with the birthday girl. Ernie had work so he was meeting us there.
Here's Mel and Ernie with the beautiful flower arrangement he got for her.
Here's a nice montage of the entire fam. Its not very often that we get to celebrate Mel's bday altogether so this was a great treat!
After lunch we headed back to mom and dad's. I thought I would get a nice nap in after all the great food, but we had another stop on our agenda. Ed contacted Adam to see if he and the fam were available for a visit. They welcomed Gavin Chong on Tuesday, September 16th. Lucky for us, they were available so we made our way over to the Chong residence in San Marcos. Here are a couple of pics of cutie Aiden and one of the two boys together. Why don't I have a pic of Gavin? I have NO idea! I think I was just too happy to get a chance to hold him that I totally forgot to get a pic of him!! Evan and Aiden kinda played with each other but mostly played next to one another. lol!! Evan has GOT to be around more kids!!
The rest of the day included a MUCH needed nap and of course, gearing for Saturday's festivities!! There was LOTS to do!!! =)
So, I don't have any pics from the party for Lola on Saturday but will be getting some from dad, when he gets a chance to upload all of them. But I will say that there were A LOT of people and it was just a fun party, which is nothing new when it comes to any Salvador get together! Evan got to see the Vales side of the family, which isn't very often so it was a great opportunity. Evan also played with his cousins, Gavin and Leila so he thoroughly enjoyed that!!
Before the party however, we were able to get together with the Bouchers at Peggy and Jerry's house. Micah and Evan had a blast playing with one another. Here a few pics of the boys hanging out.
Evan still calls out for "Mikey, mikey." That's his version of "Micah." And then he goes, "want, want." Its pretty amazing how he remembers him and he even says, "" Micah had two wind up cars that Marc was revving up and making them run back and forth and the boys LOVED them!! Its too cute. Lastly, here's a family pic of all of us. We'll have to try to visit them again the next time we're visiting Vista.
We left for home Sunday morning at 9am but not before stopping off at Alberto's for 5 rolled tacos (for me) and a California burrito (for Ed). Yuuuummmmm!!! We got home at 5:30 which was great since we had made two stops so Evan can stretch and handle some "business." We were able to get things cleaned up at home and get ready for the work week.
Oh! On Saturday, on our way back to mom and dad's from Peggy's, we stopped at a garage sale and picked up a sweet drum set for Evan for $3!!! OH YEAH!!! So, we had him go at it when we arrived home and well, the pics say it all...ladies and gents, we've got a ROCKSTAR in the making!! ;) This is Evan warming up...
And here's Evan totally rockin' out...even losing a drumstick in the process!! WOOT! WOOT!!
What an eventful weekend!! And guess what? We're gonna do it again next weekend! Oh yeah, that's right! We're heading back down to SD...AGAIN! lol!!