Thursday, June 26, 2008

Its 16 months tomorrow

I won't talk about the fact that it took me almost one year to provide an update because its pretty obvious! lol! So, this will be one helluva compressed post with a nice photo recap of Evan.

This is Evan when he was first born:This is Evan at about 3 months old:

Evan at about 6 months:
Evan at about 9 months old:Evan at ONE YEAR:
He has grown so much that I can honestly say that time really flew by. He got his first tooth in August 2007 and a total of 8 teeth in September, learned to walk on his own at 11 months, has an interesting vocabulary of english, visayan and tagalog words, can make numerous animal sounds, loves to point out and say "car!!", is a natural in front of the camera and more recently has added four additional pearly whites to his beaming smile. He has also mastered the expression of awe by picking up something and saying, "wow" with pure amazement. Its a joy to see this world through his eyes!!

In other news, Ed embarked on a new career venture with PG&E. It has brought him back into San Francisco which he is enjoying. So far, the new position has been challenging but he has already joined a good group of people for a weekly happy hour. I knew it wouldn't take long for him to jump back into the city swing of things!=)

As for me, things are still going well with the VA and I don't have anything new to update. Although, I will be traveling for business mid July to Austin, Texas. I'm hoping we can make it a family affairs since I can be there through the weekend and we can spend some time with Jay and Stacey! Ed is working on getting the time off as we speak.

On the baby product front, we have recently moved Evan into his convertible carseat which was a challenge in itself. The orginal one we had just didn't work for him for various reasons and so, we are faced with getting one that provides him comfort without sacrficing safety. I've got my eye on the First Years True Fit Convertible car seat. Its gotten really good reviews and I'm going to have Evan try it out this weekend. I will let you know how it goes.

Another challenge that I'm facing is finding a good umbrella stroller. With Evan being more active, the Chicco travel system stroller that we have is a bit on the bulky and heavy side, which poses a challenge when I run errands with Evan and have to juggle multiple bags, a backpack, oh and Evan! So I'm currently in the market for a good, dependable stroller and I'm leaning towards a Maclaren. In an effort to reuse and recycle, I've been scouring for an older Volo, Triumph or Vogue model in good condition. So far I have a prospect in San Jose which Ryan is willing to check out for me. I'll definitely do a write up on whatever one I end up with.

Well, its time for me to end here so I'm going to end this post with a picture of Evan after his first haircut which he endured on June 21st. Ed and I decided it was time. He looks so handsome!!


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