Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My cloth diaper addiction

So, I realize I haven't been keeping up the blog as regularly as I should BUT we've been super busy. I'll have to post another one of my condensed posts w/Jacob's birth and pics but unfortch, I don't have the time right now...maybe in the next couple of days (I'll carve out some time and just do it)!

Before I had gotten pregnant with Jacob I had been helping out other girlfriends with their pregnancies and questions about diapering came up. The more research I did about the different options, the more I had regretted not going cloth with Evan. Honestly, I just didn't have the support system and being that he was my first and no one around me was CDing, it was just too overwhelming for this then first time mom. Well, I have become a convert and an avid supporter of the cloth. This being said, I was encouraging to a few new moms and even helped to do a lot of research to find options that would best suit their lifestyle. Fast foward to my pregnancy with Jacob...I wanted to go green with as much as I could so I made the decision to do cloth, even with Evan still in diapers (ok, training pants), I was willing to do it. Since Jacob was my first in cloth, the options were dizzying!! BUT, I bought a few different dipes and after a few months, I have FINALLY found a system that works for us. YAY!!!! I am however, constantly adding to our stash b/c I like to have different options for him for day time, nighttime (esp. important) and of course, have enough for the grandparents to use when I'm away (hasn't happened yet but I'm planning a girls trip soon...YIKES). Along with choosing a diapering system another important system is the washing routine. GOOD LORD!!! Thank goodness for ALL of the GREAT feedback from moms out there because they've helped me from accidentally ruining my dipes (these babies aren't cheap, might I add)!! I'm using a great washing routine, but I'm always looking to improve it and I have heard rave reviews of an all natural detergent, Rockin Green which I have been dying to try!! So, I'm SUPER excited about this giveaway that I want to share the wealth with my nearest and dearest who share in the cloth love. Check out All About Cloth Diaper's blog to learn more about how you can enter to win a bag of their Hard Rock! And if you're dying to get your hands on them, you'll find a list of retailers that carry the goodies on the blog as well.

Well, I know this isn't much of an update on the kids front (which I know is one of the main reasons a lot of you come to this site), but I PROMISE I'll have a great post with tons of pics and hell, maybe even a couple of cute vids of the boys. Seriously, tons of cuteness on its way. With that, I've gotta get back to the grind so keep checking back for updates!


MikeNK said...

Hello Jae, my name is Mike Salvador and my wife Karen and I live in Youngsville, La. Karen is from Pasig, Philippines and me dad was from Bocaue, Bulacan. I am looking for family from my dads side. He's been dead since 1971 and we have no links to his side of the family. His mother was a Bautista. Any relation that you know of? If so, please contact me at thanks!

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